Ars Nomadis

Sound creation in public space

  • Casa-Rennes
  • La Borne Nomade
  • La Grande Cueillette
  • Les Chants du Blosne - WE#1
  • Les Chants du Blosne - WE#2
  • Les Visages du Blosne

Ars Nomadis is a sound creation collective in public space.

Based in France (Rennes), we are particularly interested in public space, mobility and nomadic art projects also using the potential of digital media technologies. Our activities cover artistic production, research and also european and International cooperation.

Our artistic projects are imagined as « meeting processes » connecting artists, inhabitants and actors of civil society. Each project is a site specific experimentation involving local partners. Our artistic creations are long-term project, spanning over several years. With participative and site-specific works, Ars Nomadis questions the uses of public space and tries to go beyond the frontiers, by provoking encounters betwenn different cultures.

We also develop international artistic cooperation projects, like in Morocco where we have been collaborated with a street theatre company since 2009, the Théâtre Nomade of Mohammed El Hassouni. In Rabat and Casablanca we created several artistic exchanges with European partners, and we also created a mobile library in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Culture. The ongoing project « Casa-Rennes » (2019-2021) will result in a street theatre creation (2020) and a sound installation in public space (2021).

Ars Nomadis has also a research activity in partnership with universities. Our main theme of research is art, public space and smart city. We participated in different seminars and international symposium, and we are now involved in the implementation of a European master dedicated to « creative public space » with the French University of Rennes 2.


Ars Nomadis is a NGO, founded in 2008 in Vannes (France)